If you have problems with your pc / laptop or it is really slow then this post will help you! Because DailyUpdatesForYou will provide you with 5 tips which will increase the speed of your pc / laptop!

Tip 1
Adjust for best performance
This means that you change the looks from windows vista/7 to the older looks from windows xp which will drain less memory and energy from your processor, ram.

Follow the steps below to adjust windows for the best performance
  1. Go to the start menu.
  2. Click on the control panel.
  3. Click on 'System and Security'.
  4. Click on 'System'.
  5. On the left side you see 'Advanced System Settings' Click it.
  6. A popup will apear, go to the 'Advanced' tab.
  7. You will see 4 buttons, press the button which contains the text 'Settings' , it is the first button and belongs to the square with the name performance.
  8. A new popup will appear, you have to click the option 'Adjust for best performance' (it is the 3th option).
  9. Press Apply and your done!

Tip 2

 Remove the background
This won't increase your performence significantly but it will help a little bit. Because your background must be reloaded everytime you move to the desktop. If you change the background to 1 colour only (for example: black) it will reduce the time your pc needs to load the background.

To do this follow the following steps:
  1. Go to your Desktop.
  2. Right click on your dekstop and press Personalize.
  3. A new popup will appear and in the left corner of the popup you will see the Desktop background link (it shows your current background) click on this link to continue.
  4. In the dropdown menu (next to Browse) select the option Solid Colors chose this option and a new selection will load.
  5. Now just chose a background colour that you like and click on Save changes and your done!

Tip 3

Stop useless programs
Most of the time you have programs running in the background which you don't need (for example when you're gaming you could close explorer.exe however you must start the task again if your done with the game). If you close down those applications you will obtain some free ram memory and your CPU will be able to do heavier tasks.

Please follow these steps if you wanna shutdown useless programs:
  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager.  
  2. Click on the Processes tab.
  3. Here you can kill all the processes you want with the End process button.

Tip 4 

 Uninstal unneeded programs
Some people (including me) download programs and after they are done using them they don't remove the programs which they installed. This will take alot of disk space over time and how less disk space you have on your pc / laptop how slower it will become because it has less space to load a new file and it must load all the other files when you are rebooting / starting up your pc / laptop.

To remove unneeded programs you have to:
  1. Go to your Start menu.
  2. Click on Control Panel.
  3. Click on 'Uninstall a program', it is in the left corner of the popup.
  4. Remove your unwanted programs and your done!
Altough there are other alternatives (for example : download CCleaner and run their uninstal to remove the software) this will work on every pc / laptop without download alternative software.

If you want a good removing program DailyUpdatesForYou recommedend to use 'Best Removal Tool' because this will check for your registery files too, however you have to make a backup of your registery because it might be possible that it removes a registery key shared with other software which makes the other software useless.

Tip 5

Deleting your temp folder
Your temp (temporary) folder contains files which are only used temporary (as the name says). In this folder you could expect files that you downloaded and instead of save as you ran it as execute. When you download something and you press on execute windows will save it to your tmp folder so you can run it from there. Your temp folder could contain alot of files which are unneeded so you can deleted everything inside the folder.

To do so please follow these steps:
  1. Go to your start menu.
  2. In the box where you can search for software/folder type %Temp%, this will open up your temporary folder (because windows hide the folder for normal windows users).
  3. Delete every file in the Temp folder.
  4. And last but not least empty your recycle bin to delete the files forever!

Video explenation with the above named tips:

Hopefully these tips will help you to increase the speed of your pc / laptop. If you have any questions feel free to leave them here on dailyupdatesforyou.blogspot.com. 

   - Computer picture


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